Advantages of WordPress



WordPress is fundamentally the most straightforward and well-liked way to start your own website or blog. In actuality, WordPress is used by more than 43.3% of websites on the Internet. Yes, WordPress is probably used by more than a quarter of the websites you visit. WordPress is an open-source content management system that is GPLv2 licence, which implies that anybody can use or modify the WordPress software without charge. A content management system is essentially a tool that makes it simple to manage crucial elements of your website, such as content, without having any programming experience. As a result, WordPress enables anyone to create a website, including those who aren't programmers.

Benefits of WordPress 

The Write for us WordPress category is where you can express your thoughts.

Some of the advantages are- 

  • WordPress is free

WordPress itself is completely free; there are no costs or restrictions attached, and there is no guilt associated with utilising a service that you should be paying for, similar to when you don't make a pledge to your local NPR station despite listening to them every day for the past 20 years. You already are who you are. The software is available for free download from (notice It's okay for you and your pals to get together and throw crazy WordPress download parties (socially separated and obviously disguised). The one drawback is that WordPress needs to be hosted someplace.

  • Hosting need not be a headache.

The fundamental idea behind hosting is rather straightforward: You need a place to store your actual website. You require a location to store all of your documents, including brochures, white papers, audio clips, and photographs. You need another person's computer, commonly known as a web server, because you don't want to store all that information on your personal computer. GoDaddy offers this as a service. If you receive fewer than 25,000 visits per month, a tiny WordPress account can be hosted with a basic GoDaddy hosting package for as little as $5 per month. Once you've done that, WordPress can be installed with just one click.  

  • It is quick and easy to add content to a website

This is the actual aspect of web design and website construction that scares people the most. They believe that creating a single web page requires a great deal of coding and design labour, and that adding the actual content is really a small matter that can be taken care of at a later time. However, the majority of that design work has already been completed. That's 1) the main reason you use WordPress: it allows you to quickly produce a blog post or web page. And two, the reason you utilise themes is because the attractively themed page or post was immediately created when you clicked the mouse in the preceding phrase since all the design work has already been completed and pre-installed. 

The Bottom Line 

WordPress is a free, open-source platform for building websites. Technically speaking, WordPress is a PHP-based MySQL database-based content management system (CMS). WordPress is the simplest and most effective blogging and website builder available today, in non-geek terms. WordPress is a great platform for creating a variety of websites. WordPress is a flexible CMS that can be used to create websites for company, portfolio, and e-commerce. WordPress is a fantastic option for both big and small websites because it was created with usability and flexibility in mind.