Trees Lose Their Leaves and Savings — Their Value: Vladimir Okhotnikov’s Metaphor About Inflation

Vladimir Okhotnikov reveals the bitter truth about the depreciation of fiat money

Vladimir Okhotnikov, a well-known expert in the field of cryptocurrencies, commented on the article The End of the Dollar Era, dedicated to the problems of inflation and the depreciation of fiat money. In his analysis, he touched on the issues of preserving the real value of savings and shared his views on the prospects for cryptocurrencies and other alternative assets.

In his analysis, Vladimir Okhotnikov did not stand aside and shared his professional assessment of the issues raised. “The article accurately reflects the harsh reality of the modern financial system,” the expert noted. “Central banks do have the ability to issue fiat money without real collateral. And new money first goes to the rich and financial institutions, exacerbating inequality.”

The expert highly appreciated the metaphor in the article comparing fiat currencies to trees losing their leaves: “This is a very good analogy. Traditional money gradually loses its value under the influence of the “wind of inflation.” While cryptocurrencies, gold and silver are like evergreen trees - their purchasing power ability is stable."

The cryptanalyst drew attention to the fact that an increase in the money supply does not lead to a uniform increase in purchasing power. “Those who have more currency buy goods and services more often, which causes demand and, accordingly, prices to increase. At the same time, other residents with unchanged incomes are forced to pay new high prices, thereby buying fewer goods,”  he explained.

Vladimir Okhotnikov: use crypto to protect your savings from depreciation

The expert noted that companies such as Tesla, have already begun to diversify their assets by investing in Bitcoin to hedge the risks of dollar depreciation. “The sooner everyone understands the real value of decentralization, the better it will be for their own budget,” the publicist concluded.

Vladimir Okhotnikov's analysis sheds light on the complex economic processes associated with inflation and the depreciation of fiat currencies. His words are intended to encourage society to take a closer look at maintaining the real value of their savings and consider alternative financial instruments such as cryptocurrencies.

He concluded by emphasizing the importance of recognizing that traditional money is not a constant and does not maintain purchasing power over time. Cryptocurrencies, according to Vladimir Okhotnikov, can become a lifeline for those who suffered from the global economic crisis of 2008.

About Vladimir Okhotnikov

Vladimir Okhotnikov is an expert in the field of cryptocurrencies, blockchain and decentralization. He was one of the first to see the limitations and shortcomings of the traditional financial system, such as the constant depreciation of savings due to inflation and centralized control over client funds. These problems have prompted the exploration of alternative financial instruments. He pioneered the study of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, seeing the potential in these technologies to create a fairer and more transparent financial system.
